Waiting for Tsunamis
March 11, 2011
So by now we’ve all heard about the devastating earthquake that hit Japan last night. As a current left-coast resident, I’ve been paying close attention to the story. Particularly considering that the news is currently streaming footage of the marina just across the street. News reports said that the waves would arrive in Southern California sometime around 8:30am PST, so I strapped on my spandex and hit the strand. (Yeah, I’m one of those idiots).
But look at all these other idiots! Surfing? Really?!
And this guy with the donut floatie…? Don’t mock Mother Nature. Idiot.
All along the coast people came out in droves to see what might happen. Like the scene in the movie when everyone comes to get a better look at the spaceship before it obliterates them and takes over Earth. Where’s Will Smith when you need him?
At least these people were smart enough to watch from higher ground.
Not a bad idea! I think I’ll join them…
You could hear reporters in all languages. The world is watching.
But things were looking calm.
Looking south.
Looking north. (Note the mudslides in this shot. The prices way pay for warm weather)
In this shot the LAPD helicopter is warning people on the beach that the waves were causing damage in Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara (just two hours north). Meanwhile, the idiot raking the beach isn’t even concerned about high tide!
Just for fun, these are the steps that Lea likely dominated at bootcamp at 6am…
And that’s all I have to report. Latest news, the water has been sucked out of Marina del Rey. A potential precursor to a big wave…