D-Day. I Mean, B-Day.

Saturdays are always the best days, and this one was no exception.  The morning air was warm and still, and because it was the middle day of our three-day vacation, we had hit our CA stride like we had never left and we still had our Sunday buffer before the work week.  And if that […]

Lea’s Dirty Thirty-ith

  Given the recent outpouring of love on Lea’s Facebook wall, it may come as no surprise to anyone that she recently celebrated her 30th birthday.  Clearly, this is no small event, so we decided to celebrate the only way we know how…in style. 🙂 While I haven’t made the announcement to the blogosphere, Lea and […]

Sonoma. Jared Style.

So, when we left off last time, Lea and I had just finished a 9 hour drive looking for a place to lay down for the night and had finally found one in Sonoma, about 200 miles north of where we had planned. I will say, it was well worth the trip.  Lea and I […]

Big Sur or Bust

Lea and I recently started a formal bucket list. One for things we want to see and do around the world, and one specific to California.  At the top of our CA bucket list is a trip to Big Sur.  For months, we’ve been planning our trip, and it’s been the only topic of conversation […]

Rounding Out The Week

I wasn’t able to spend Tuesday or Wednesday with these guys because I had to take care of that thing…it’s on the tip of my tongue…when you have a responsibility that’s a ton of work, but doesn’t pay, and most of your work is never actually reviewed by human eyes…school!  That’s it.  School got in […]