August 27, 2009

Well, well, well, if it’s not our old friends, Lynn and Christian Knaak…  As some of you may know, at the turn of this month Lea and I moved into a new townhouse rental.  At the same time, our friends who lived in the same apartment complex, Lynn and Christian, moved out of the building, too.  They found a beautiful house in Redwood City (RWC), and today was our first visit to check it out.  Finally!  They invited us down for an afternoon BBQ (after the morning farmer’s market and surf duties, of course!) which inevitably turned into a late-night booze fest.  You have to be prepared to bring your drinking shoes if you want to hang at this casa.

Naturally, Jerry got straight to whipping up some black-cherry, peach daiquiri concoctions.  For reals – they tasted as good as they look.  And they look good.

Lynnie-pooh had a couple appies ready when we got there – skewers with mozzarella balls, prosciutto, and sliced melon.  Too yummy to resist, and a definite repeater.

AND she put this plate together.  Guacamole with two different types of chippies.  MMMMM-M!  Let the grazing begin.

Meet Skippy.  This little guy’s hardly tall enough to bite my ankle, but he’s got about a 5 foot (not inches) vertical – hence the name, Skippy.  Oh, and a bark that rattles the windows.


Chrissy’s Coals.  Just about time to start the corn!

Here’s some of that famous Brentwood Family Farms Sweetcorn (we’re still biased – not as good as Lea’s dad’s).  We waited in a line about 10 deep at the farmer’s market for this stuff, and we got both White and Peaches and Cream.  Since Lynn and Christian put together a Fish Taco-themed dinner, we have plans to dress these up.

Hate to pose for pictures, but too proud to pass on posting a picture of the finished product.

Once the corn was grilled (about 1-2 minutes on each side, with quarter turns), we brushed it with a mix of Mexican Creme, Chili Powder and Paprika.  Then we tossed it in some fresh-crumbled queso.  When we’ve done this in the past, we used a chipotle mayo base, then sprinkled cheese on top with some fresh cilantro.  That’ll be the way we do it next time, too.  This was (forgive me for saying so) too much cheese.  But as I think of it, I didn’t hear any complaints!


Ahhh, for the main event.  Christian searched up and down the Peninsula for these beauts – Mahi Mahi fillets.  He marinaded these in a “proprietary spice blend” with fresh cilantro, then added them to the hot coals and cooked them to perfection.

Building someone’s taco for them is like passing them their fortune cookie – you don’t do it.  Bad luck, bad taste, whatever, everyone should have the opportunity to build their own taco.  Thus, the always popular taco bar!  On the counter: tortillas warmed on the grill, homemade mango salsa, chipotle mayo, chopped cabbage, tomatoes, and cilantro.

Ladies fist!

Git’r done boys!

We showed-up just before 4:oo in the afternoon, and these were taken just after 1:00 in the morning.  God love him.

And…it’s time for bed.

Saude (“Cheers” in Brazilian Portuguese)

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